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frequently asked Questions

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How can I integrate your influencer program?

Those who meet certain conditions will have the opportunity to join the LENS ACCROS influencer program. To participate in the program, you must have a social media account and a certain number of followers and subscribers.

What additional duties and taxes do I have to pay?

Shipping costs and taxes are not included in the prices shown on our site. But if you are from EUROPE, you don't have to pay taxes. For orders outside of the EU All import taxes and duties are charged to the recipient of each shipment, which means customers are responsible for paying all customs charges.

What material are the lenses made of?

Our glasses are made of PC Hydrogel. PC Hydrogel means a product containing this substance in or coated with a lens material. PC is the abbreviation for Phosphorylcholine, a biocompatible material commonly used in medical implants and prostheses. It is a safe material and not rejected by the human body, as it is used in medical devices for human implantation, with the same molecular structure as the protein cells of the human body.

Exchanges and returns:

You cannot exchange lenses unless we have sent the correct product.
Then you must contact us on whatapp at the following number: +32 465 93 72 34

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